When you're hotboxing with your friend and you get so stoned that you mean to say "I'm so cheeched" but your highass says "I'm so chonged" instead. Getting this high normally takes a lot of weed. Even though it is a fuckup, it will cause a lot of laughter.
Damn, I can't believe my stoned dumbass just said "I'm so chonged!"
by masochistic angel March 23, 2020
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The alternate name of an Asian whose last name is Wong.

Alternatively, it can refer to a specific Asian person with whom you are acquaintances.
"Hey, what's up Sam Wong?"
"Dude, her name is Wong Chong Chong, 什麼他媽的是你錯了 嗎?"
"Chill, dude.."
by A. Potatoes May 20, 2013
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A Mexican guy/girl that is really trashy

Chong guys usually wear stained wife beaters, jinco jeans, chains, sandals WITH socks, virgin mary anything.

Chong girls can be seen with white eyeliner, dark lip liner without the rest the filled in, shaved eyebrows drawn on care of Sharpie, hoop earrings that could fit around your neck, high ponytails on the top of head, white k-swiss and old school white sketchers, and virgin mary memoribilia, and Selena shirts.

Their cars are usually very tinted with $10 spinners and their last name on the back window in old english letters (i.e. campos)

Chongs can be spotted at flea markets, Wal-Mart, Circle K, South Texas, etc.

*they also say words like "vato," and "guey" (pronounced way) which means dude in spanish.
Sarah: Eww did you just see that chong's car?
Jessica: Which one? Ramirez or Gonzalez?
Sarah: How could you tell?
Jessica: Duh it's on the back of his El Camino.
by i hate chongs March 10, 2006
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The act of playing simcity 4 with the aim of building a Chong.inc office complex.
"Phil: What are you up to?"
"Mike: I am chonging."
by RevMB April 23, 2008
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A male chest thong; Usually exposing the nipple region. Comes in a variety of colors. Usually supporting the Duquesne Dukes.
Doesn't he know it's chong season?
by Chong Lover April 12, 2011
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When you are very high off weed and your eyes close up
Johnny you got so high last night you were chonging it
by Lean machine 101 May 12, 2018
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Verb: To ingest Marijuana to a point of extreme intoxication. Regional slang to the San Francisco Bay Area due to it's high volume of marijuana usage.

Etymology: Using the last name of Tommy Chong (of Cheech and Chong fame) as a verb.
I was totally Chonged after my fifth joint in an hour.
by Hellen Killer March 15, 2009
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