- st. | A species of harvest mite with a red exoskeletal structure, Trombicula Alfreddugesi.

- n. | The combination of the word "China", and "Nigger". Referring to any Asian Male, that dresses in a "Western-Rap" fashion.
*Walking in a forest with Asian Friends*

Dirty fuckin' <CHIGGERS>!

*Friends stare blankly*

What! There fucking biting me!

by Sori_Boi - The Definer March 28, 2009
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a chineese Black man
That Chigger there stole my computer !!!
by DarkSkullBash September 20, 2008
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A little flea-like creatue that like to hang out in woods and then when you are least expecting it, jump up and bite you all over.
Person 1: Sits on a stump
by Rats McGee May 23, 2005
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Tiny bugs in the grass that are racially sensitive.
Chiggers prefer to be called Chegro Americans
by Morbidlove December 14, 2015
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When you see a asian Person trying to act like a black person. I Will tell you that it is rare to see a asian person acting like a black person.
1) Haha Look at those Chiggers over there.

2) Dude That Dude is asian haha he's such a Chigger.

3) What Up My CHiggers

4) Peace out my Chiggers
by AudreeBee February 26, 2009
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...An asian that is triggered
Tiffany: how was the dog last night LINGLING?

LingLing: IM CHIGGERED!!!🖕🏻
by Mi dang February 24, 2017
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A term for a chinese person who mimicks language, dress and mannerisms of black ghetto kids.

Chinese + Wigger = Chigger
Lana Mccann-Chinese girl who likes to act like she is black. She introduces her self with "wuddup im Laaaaana! im a bit chineeeeese"
by Ally March 1, 2005
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