Chess is a game for the grown man to play. It involves getting pussy and drinking alcohol.
"Yo let's go to this party tonight and play some chess."
by ProChessPlayer September 4, 2018
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A shortened version of the name Francesca. For those who don't like being called: Fran, Fanny, Frank, Frenchie, Frannie, Franny-panny etc.
A: Oh that over there is Chess.
Jessica: Huh? Chez?
A: No, it's Chess, short for Francesca?
Jessica:Thats well weird, it's not like i call myself, 'Sic', how pretentious.
A: Nah, it's well cool.
by Chesster12 February 7, 2010
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a term used to describe the actual playing and enjoying of chess
yo jay... me and brian are chessing around later today
by Anonymous August 26, 2003
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Wefbeslabkjs;'/'''''':I love chess
}njkdsdfds';=-_+_+_{:"P:"::{< hjcd7:let play chess then
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bro that guy plays chess? he gets absolutely no bitches
by urmumsleftnut November 24, 2021
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v.t.- To thoroughly bitch-slap someone upside the head with a lengthy thin object such as a 2-by-4 or a book; to own
Example 1:
Guy 1:'holy anus! Did you see that guy just get chessed!?'

Guy 2:'Hell yeah I did!'

Example 2:
by D.D. Fields March 22, 2009
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A boy who is perverted, sweet, nice, and rambunctious at most times. He will tease you and joke with you but hokd you and calm you down when needed. He makes lots of sexual jokes and is someone who is easy to get along with as long as you can handle a few penis and sex jokes here and there. He will never fulky say it when he meets you but he's also very cuddly. He's also attractive and gorgeous and all those other nice words.
"That guy is so weird and sexual.."
"He's really attractive too."
"I bet he's a Chess"
by rainerainrae May 28, 2014
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