When you would rather eat ass than this cooking, that's when you know it's true asparagus calzone artichoke brownie. This common Ethiopian expression originated in New Jersey, when Dream went viral for screaming "These packing peanuts are asparagus calzone artichoke brownie." It was during the viral TikTok trend of getting people who were allergic to peanuts to eat packing peanuts instead.
Your mom’s lasagna is asparagus calzone artichoke brownie
by Not a tiny kid June 17, 2021
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A Calzone Muncher is a derogatory term for a person who is Italian or lives in Italy or anywhere near it
Italian: Man I don't know why people hate me
Other Person: It's Because You're a fucking Calzone Muncher
I: How So
OP: You're Italian you Calzone Muncher
by Hat dude July 10, 2018
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A calzone baby is the massive shit you take after having calzones for lunch at school.
Bro: Hey Bro how were the calzones today?

Other Bro: pretty damn good but I can feel my calzone baby kicking already
by Slothnads May 15, 2015
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Noun (action)
Step 1: Organise a 'NETFLIX and Chill' night.
Step 2: Order a pizza.
Step 3: Take a slice of pizza and wrap it around you penis.
Step 4: Get your partner to eat the pizza off your penis.
"Guys, I need a skin graft on my dick."
"What the fuck did you do?"
"I got third degree burns while giving my girlfriend a NETFLIX Calzone."
by BallSniffa May 25, 2023
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The act of being criticized severely about something especially from all sides from many different peers and/or friends.
Man we really calzoned Jon hard last night, he even started to cry!
by jham1298 November 4, 2021
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When a girl doesn’t want a relationship with you but she lets you eat her out.
My man Jim totally got calzoned by that Italicization chick he met at the party.
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The feeling one obtains once diving way too deep into the sauce.
"bro you good? "
" wut u say?"
"you're calzoned af mate"
by IzYaBoiJaskin July 27, 2017
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