When a turd causes toilet water to splash onto your butthole.
“That turd made a big spud!”
by Big Spudinsky March 14, 2022
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A terrible disease you can contract from having sex with someone whose face resembles a potato
"man that jake scott got the spuds after fucking her."
by hakjghjgjhksdghklgds October 19, 2008
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noun: A person, usually male, who is not all there
"Get your fingers away from that chainsaw ya spud"
by MCAVgirl October 28, 2013
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1. Someone who is in a constant state of being dirty or unhygienic, so much so that the person is usually left out of physical and/or social activities in fear that the spud will cramp there style. 2. Used to describe an ugly or unattractive person.
1. "have you seen that new kid today?" "what the one that smells like shit?" "Yeah, what a spuuuud"

2. "Woah look at that Hotty!" "WHAT!!?, dude, she's spud"
by pseudonym321123 November 8, 2010
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When a person does a silly and/or funny action is commonly referred to as a spud.
"Haha you're such a spud John"
by Spudlife October 22, 2017
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An attractive special ed kid, a stud sped, a spud.
Wow Ryan sure is a spud!
by ShyneLovesRats May 17, 2018
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Typically used to describe a stupid person, however the they're just hiding the doctor spudnik from you. dont trust 'em
p1 : yo your stupid af u spud
p2 : nah why u buying into that conspiracy. DOCTOR SPUDNIK IS REAL
by TheBananananananannanana July 15, 2020
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