1. When a person overreacts to a trifling insult or barb, or to a joke.

2. When someone acts in an anal-retentive manner, and makes a big fuss out of a relatively minor problem.
1. Don't get you're panties all in a bunch, he doesn't mean it.

2. It's not that big of a problem, don't get your panties all in a bunch, it's going to be okay.
by teh pope January 19, 2005
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A group of guys that host one of the craziest tailgating experiences around.
I was so hungover and exhausted from partying with the Browns Bunch on Sunday, that I had to call off work on Monday!
by Da Bunch February 3, 2010
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when someone is mad about and issue or someone and cannot seem to move on.
He had his boxers in a bunch because no one agreed with him.
by Dawgma November 10, 2013
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Four awesome ass girls and one awesome ass trans-man who talk about LGBT issues on YouTube.

The current line-up:
Thursday-Michelle(Mama Beaver)
I watch the Beaver Bunch religiously.

by TheFrozenPirate August 26, 2009
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just another awesome way to include the f-word in conversation
They wanted me to participate in the presentation to the client? Fuck-a-bunch-of-that.
by T Diggs March 16, 2008
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specifically, my flatmates
That bunch of cunts just don't give a fuck
by vicki February 10, 2005
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An insult aimed directly towards or behind the backs of a group of males. Bunch of Mary’s means the males are pansy’s or beta males.
“Wow you guys are a bunch of Mary’s

“Look at those guys, what a bunch of Mary’s”
by User 2728 April 7, 2020
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