She's smart kind beautiful happy and lives life to the fullest she makes people happy and wants people to smile and be happy she might have troubles but I'm there for her she lives happily I love her very much she makes my day happy I love you Brooke
by <3 loving you November 12, 2013
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Brooke is far beyond beautiful, she is ravishing, lovely, incredible, overwhelming, adorable, alluring, enticing, and amazing. She is a stunner - She will take your flipping breath away before you can even introduce yourself. Her eyes are constantly shining with joy even if she were sad or happy. She is a fireball that I can barely handle and I must say that if you think that your "Brooke" is hot or sexy, you need to seriously look into a girl and see what is inside because that is all that matters to me anyways. To my Amazing Brooke ~ Conner
Guy 1 - She was such a "Brooke". I just wanted to hold her tight and never let go.

Guy 2 - What is a Brooke?!?

Guy 1 - A Brooke is far beyond...
by Conrad1901 September 28, 2011
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Brooke- One of the most amazing girls I have ever met, the definition of beauty in a person. She will make you smile just with a simple word she knows how to make your day in just a second. She is loyal and the most wonderful girlfriend you will ever get, don't mess that chance up and get with her. She will change your life for the better.
brooke is the best girlfriend i have ever had
by 8-30-15 September 3, 2015
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The most amazing person ever. Everyone loves him and I mean EVERYONE. He is gorgeous and so so smart and talented. He has an amazing taste in music. He cares so much about everyone. He helps everyone with their problems but never talks about his. He goes out of his way to help you. His smile is everything. Everyone wants to be with him but his heart belongs to someone else and everyone is jealous of her. He's so loving and protective. He's almost perfect
Girl 1: Brooks is so amazing
Girl 2: Yeah but he likes that one girl
by Not ur babe July 3, 2015
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Brooke ~ a girl who hides behind a smile , everyday even though deep down she is broken. A brooke is usually musically talented , tall thin and curvaceous. She gets along with others well when she knows she can trust them . She is extremely pretty , but never excepts it .and or notices it . She might like to be alone , but that's because she thinks she doesn't deserve anyone . Brooke's are also really fun to be around depending on their mood/state of mind . Brooke's tend to be over dramatic , and emotional , but with a little bit of care and love , they are willing to love you unconditionally as long as you prove yourself to her . She tends to hide in makeup because she's never satisfied with herself . She will learn to love herself eventually ... stay strong Brooke's
Brooke ~ "no "
by Claralover June 20, 2017
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Brooke's kisses taste like honey mixed with sunshine.
I think Brooke's gorgeous. I want to date her, love her and marry her.
by florealis May 27, 2014
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A woman named Brooke is a very bright and beautiful girl who has beautiful eyes. They also have the perfectest body figure and are very fit.
dayum!!??!?! Is that Brooke!

Brooke is looking beautiful as usual.
by BitchFACE! March 30, 2011
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