Doing a line of cocaine
I did so many blasts last night
by Joe Rodriguez June 10, 2005
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We smoked so much weed that we got blasted!
by Shell October 10, 2002
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Obliterated. So drugged up and drunk that you don't know anything anymore. Except that you're having one hell of a good time. Easily accomplished when you get high and drink then snort cocaine, then drink again.
Say, my good sir, do you want to get blasted tonight?
by Fecalator May 27, 2004
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to embarass someone or to make someone look stupid
"I heard you told Jay he had bad breath in front of the whole class"
"Yeah, I put him on blast"
by Jamaica December 3, 2003
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1. A hit of crack
2. To smoke crack
1. All i need is one more blast
2. Man she's been blasting all day
by peanuts and corn March 20, 2006
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