when a crossdressing lesbian goes down on a crossdressing gay
lesbian- whoa thats not a vagina..
gay- whoa you have no penis..

by lord kira July 7, 2011
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Some idiot's messed up version of saying the word "operative" leaving the other people involved in the conversation feeling awkward.
Nathan: He's trying to succeed!

Erika: Trying being the awkwardive word.
by erinf1005 March 25, 2010
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The action of being akward.
He was Awkwarding the conversation.
by Bob Awkwarding December 15, 2015
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occurence of awkwardness
al wanted tim to tell stacy that he didn't like her. the whole mess was a awkwardence
by JJthemonkey July 13, 2008
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when sketch meets prude...

that just equals a whole shit load of awkward-ness.
Me: DUDE where the herb?!
straightedge people: uhhhh what?! you smoke?! thats BAD FOR YOU.
Me: Oh shit... *AWKWARD*
by smokethattumbleweed November 3, 2006
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