A special type of roast for being an SJW. People who are Parred get triggered and upload a rant on twitter or Tumblr.
SJW: I got freaking parred we must destroy all men

SJW: right back at ya lets rant on some men.
by Yay-erz September 21, 2017
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To par someone means to hit them/ beat them up
Boy: That boys linking your sister!
Friend: Come lets par him
by Parinator August 29, 2009
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1- If One Is A Par, Then One Is Known As An Unclean Scumbag. A Par Is Seen As The Underclass and Having No Sense Of Hygene Or Personality.
Tam- "Wee Jimmy Was At The Dunfermline Game At The Weekend"

Kev- "Aye, He's A Right Wee Par"
by Euan Connelly February 28, 2009
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1. An idiot's name for AR (Action Replay), a cheat device made by Datel for many systems.

2. A cheat device for SNES, which people think is also made for Game Boy Advance, GCN, XBox, PS2, etc., hence number 1.

3. The worst you can do in golf without doing bad (i.e. getting a bogey).
1. OMG i u3s t3h p4r 2 ch337!!!11

2. See number 1.

3. A par is no birdie.
by Intelligence: The Anti-N00b September 22, 2004
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Slang for a police officer, used on the east coast. Originated from Po-9.
"Yo, here come's par nod, lets be out son".
by Leviathin August 14, 2007
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a game originally played by a bunch of high assholes in some kids basement.
three categories can trigger a par:
1: Cheese
2: Marijuana
3: sports
This includes anything related to those words. Saying a type of cheese, anything relating or in reference to marijuana, sports ( this includes players names or common sports related phrases such as "swing batter batter")
once you say something that triggers a par, any surrounding player can "par" you but only up to 30 seconds after the word has been said.

once you have been "par"'d you must do the following:
1:ball your right fist
2:use your left hand to push it down to your knee's
3:launch your right fist up till it almost hits you in the face
4: lick your knuckle

If you refuse to do this, all other players can punch you in the face.

How to par: when someone says one of the three words(or words relating to) shout "par" at them.
dude 1: what kind of pizza did you want tonight?
dude 2: i don't know, cheese?
dude 1: PAR!!!!!
dude 2: shit man, :::::licks knuckle:::: you fucking got me again!
girl 1: man, you shoulda been there we smoked some dank outa john's bubbler
girl 2: PAR!
girl 1: :::::::licks knuckle::::::: i suck at this game
by KMILLA September 13, 2007
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The phrase 'Classic Par' is saved for situations in which a person is horrifically undermined or taunted by another's actions to such an extent that they exercise their right to sit in a dark corner and cry for 32 days (or should do).

(Not to be confused with 'Par' or 'Raw Par')
Girl 1 (17) is going out with Boy 1 (20).
Boy 2 likes Girl 1 and Girl 1 likes Boy 2.
In fact, Girl 1 likes Boy 2 so much that she dumps Boy 1 to be with him.

This could be described as a 'Classic Par'
alternatively, it could be said that Boy 2 'Classically Parred' Boy 1
by SomeNextGuyFam March 4, 2011
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