Nickname for Aleksander . If one calls themselves Aleksander with a "k", they lack potential to rise up as an Alpha unlike their Alexander (with an "x") counterparts.

Seriously who writes Alex with a "ks"... only the ones who killsteal(ks) on Apex.
"Why did you killsteal Akira?!"

"Wtf do you mean, your name literally has killsteal in it, AleKS
by NibbaShakira March 19, 2019
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The hottest most awesome guy you will ever meet! He can be sarcastic sometimes, but when you first look into his dreamy blue eyes you will know he’s more than worth it! He’s so hilarious and will make you laugh anytime. Friendly is an understatement to this unique, spectacular guy. Alek is extremely sweet! He’ll stand up for his friends at any given moment, and is a complete flirt, making his victims turn bright red at his comments. You’ll be completely satisfied by him in every way!
Person 1: wow I wish I was more like Alek!
Person 2: I know, he’s so funny!
Person 1: why does everyone love him so much?
Person 2: he’s Alek, I think that’s self-explanatory
by Elite waffle March 10, 2018
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Aleks is the Cheese that spews from yer Knob after a long hard diagonal thrust. You know that you have made an aleks when you find the remains on your wall and/or girlfriends tits. If not cleaned immediately the aleks will crust and stain. And nobody likes a crusty aleks.
"...And honey... Make sure to clean up your Aleks before you leave for school! No one likes a crusty Aleks!"
"But mom....."
by gloria glovebox August 15, 2006
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Means Puking Uncontrollably just before jizzing, in both Greek and German.
Girl 1: "It Was Nasty He was Alek everywhere."

Girl 2: "Did You at least Get anything"

Girl 1: "No, He was puking uncontrollably."
by Rawr-lol- February 5, 2010
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A type of person who is just udderly, completley, DUMB. They have no sense of humor, and make stupid comments about everything. For some odd reason, they have many friends. Probably because they make everyone feel smart. They are hideous. They could make any girl in thier right mind puke. They are total manwhores. They can only get easy chicks. If you like small packages, go for an Aleks.
Girl 1; Oh my god! Is THAT your boyfriend?
Girl 2; uh.. yea.. why?
Girl 1; *smacks girl 2 in the face* HOW COULD YOU? HE'S SUCH AN ALEKS! HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?!?

Girl 2; Have I not explained this to you? I'm easy!
Girl 1:NOOO!!
by sake(: October 24, 2009
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douche bags that like to cheat on girls. They're extremely scrawny, have goo on the sides of their mouths at all times, and weird double chin things. They like to brag about having sex with all these girls (that they've only known for 30 seconds or so) yet how can they have sex when they have teeny weenies? The proof is that they always wear insanely tight (Silver) girl jeans and there is never a bulge. Ever.

They thinks they're cool by drinking passion fruit tea, putting flowers in their hair, putting Buddha beads around their neck, wearing those tight jeans, and the way they stand....yet all of these reasons make people wonder if they're gay.

They're very rich but they only seems to wear jeans with holes in the butt that show their bright orange boxers. People will literally pass them and think they're a girl with a dyke-ish haircut.

If you like small packages, go for an Aleks.
"I can't believe you're dating an Aleks." Girl 1

"What?" - girl 2

"Yeah, people will think you're dating a dyke!" - girl 1

"...." -girl 2

"Oh, and he probably has another girlfriend as well as you." - girl 1
by The Superheroes June 17, 2010
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The biggest double-faced asshole your EVER going to meet. He may seem sweet to start off, complementing your prettiness, but then he'll cheat on you, use you, and then dump you for a bitch. Do not fall into his trap, or else you'll be one of the million girls he miss-treats. Asshole isn't even the word to describe them. Stay away from them, and then you will have a perfect life. Oh yeah, they dont have a penis. Known to be insanely rich, they will dump you right before christmas so they won't waste their money. He's so rich, therfore hes an asshole.
What an Aleks! You're just wasting your time.
by csnfisknh December 28, 2011
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