Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason, or wit. It may be innate, assumed or reactive. The word stupid comes from the Latin word stupere. Stupid characters are often used for comedy in fictional stories
James, a guy: Ted Cruz is stupider than a microwavable chicken nugget.
by DankAssPicklePop July 9, 2022
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When you get caught in a lie and come up with a lame excuse out of it.
I was sleeping with the neighbor, sorry for Ted Cruzing you into thinking I helped hang her picture.
by Hanali February 19, 2021
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A man who was born with less than average brain cell count (sub 1000 to be specific), And the Zodiac Killer.
Person 1: "Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer 100%"
Person 2: "for real"
by breakfastskillet June 5, 2022
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The muddy mixture of excrement and dirt, which has had time to become semi-liquid, making the ground slippery.
"I hurt my knee after stepping on the neighbor's dog's Ted Cruz."
by Szandorxint November 30, 2022
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A sexual desire/fetish to stick your toe in and out of a vagina.
He wanted to do "The Ted Cruz", but that was too freaky for me.
by rumorhasyou November 12, 2018
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Someone who might have assassinated JFK.
“Yeah, he lived near Dallas, and nobody knows his whereabouts at noon on November 22, 1963. A prime Ted Cruz’s father if you ask me.”
by TK2000 October 30, 2023
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Temporary abandonment of constituents; increased hatred of American troops; Head permanently stuck up Trump’s ass; retweeting Russian propaganda; moral deficiency; looking like Fidel Castro but much much more of a beta cuck.
Wow, Trump called that man’s wife ugly AF and the man thanked him by giving him a rim job. He totally has Ted Cruz syndrome.
by Everyone hates Ted Cruz May 21, 2021
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