To swipe or steal something
(usually done very slick like...)
Man Laing is such a slick rick, he piped a Sobey's name tag and they never found out!
by Bent Himself August 7, 2003
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referring to the penis.
Yea nigga i piped her then she got up and cooked for me.
by yung money thieves January 11, 2010
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to pipe is to suck someone's dick, aka giving head
yo, that hot bitch piped me last night after the party.
by capa June 7, 2007
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A slang word used refering to casually having sex.
Guy: "hey let's pipe"
Girl: "okay!!"

Girl: "omfgg me and joey just piped"

by smurvette January 17, 2006
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'the condition most closely resembling the effects of being roughly struck with a lead pipe'
'Fuck, I'm so piped from that party, but not as piped as that guy who got attacked with a pipe'
by god543210 April 5, 2009
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Scots slang: It means to act in an aggressively manner in order to goad people into a fight.
I got into a scrap doon the town centre the day, some wee bam wis pure piping up to me wanting a fight.
by KrissyH909 February 1, 2020
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smoking device that is no way near as good as a bong but looks pretty at times...
Hey, pass me that pipe!
by savingXmaryXkate March 21, 2005
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