A word that is used as an abbreviation for "Honey".
Short for "Honey".
"Oh emm gee, my boyfriend broke up with me! I need advice!"
"Hun, just ignore him."
by H.M. Switz May 22, 2008
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All huns should be spayed!!
by Sellic October 15, 2003
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ugly, smelly, unwashed, bigoted, orange
i am a hun - i am smelly and ugly
by Domhnull October 8, 2003
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A jocular term for a protestant from the north of Ireland. Best described as an irish version of the KKK
i see them motherfuckin huns murdered another catholic taxi driver last night
by da origanal playa May 17, 2006
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A great nation who has dominated in the Euroasia and easter Europe for many years. They have genetical ties with Turks and Mongolians. We also can say that they are proto(first)-Turks.
"The scourge of the God Attila" was well-known emperor of Huns.
by Khorasan August 10, 2008
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Ancestors of people that now live in Europe, mainly located in the present-day region of Hungary.
The Hungarian people are simply christianized Huns, even though they don't wanna hear about it!
by edrocket December 17, 2014
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