1). A floater is a crumb of communion bread that is deposited when multiple people eat a piece of communion bread first and then drink out of the same communion cup. Typically seen when children take their first communion.

2). Occurs when someone poops in a pool. You can be relaxing by the pool and see a giant turd float past you, also known as a "floater."

3). A fat guy floating in an inter-tube either in a lazy river or a creek. Usually very slow-moving and impedes river traffic.
"Did you guys see that floater?!?"
by stinky-poop-fart August 2, 2022
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The odd person in a group of people that is fairly unattractive, usually left out, and unwanted.
Yo why do you hang out with the guy, he's such a floater.
by Rem Show February 5, 2016
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Remember that guy from tinder who gave me the clap? Well, he just got married...

Damn, girl... How are all these floaters get married before us?
by LizzytheShizzy July 10, 2020
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a term to describe the level of someone's gayness. if they are very gay, they float because they are so flam-buoyant.
That guy is wearing a pink boa. He's definitely a floater.
by Kody4 June 5, 2011
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Alternatively, this word can refer to any piece of fecal matter, regardless of flushability, that is less dense than water, thereby floating to the top of the toilet bowl water. The opposite of sinker.
Last time I took a crap, they were all floaters.
by Stan B. January 16, 2003
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one party of a relationship that sits back and enjoys the ride, never plans dates, in it for the physical stuff, still enjoys your company but really isnt in it for the long run.
sami just accused her boyfriend of being a floater, he was so mad that she thought he would sink to that level
by mrs_spoons January 6, 2011
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1. A highly overlooked modern rock band with songs like "Cinema" "Endless II" "Independance Day" etc. They are as far from Mainstream as you can get, having never been on MTV even though they're hugely popular to the few who know of them. They often do live concerts..

2. Alternatively, the word "Floater" is more commonly known as a piece of feces that will not flush down the toilet and thus "Floats" on the surface.
1.Yo man, I saw Floater live last night! they were fuckin' awesome!

2. Don't go in that bathroom, some fat bastard left a gnarly floater in there!
by Andrew187 April 26, 2005
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