The act of unfairly monopolizing an activity, especially a rotation-based periodically individual activity such as eating ice cream.
Dude, you're like a black hole. Every time the ice cream gets to you, it just stops. Quit Haagen all the Dazs! Step your game up, Bro!
by Stur-DP July 1, 2011
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AKA Daz Dillinger, A Rap Producer/Rapper From Tha Dogg Pound
Dat Nigga Daz is dope
by Ac February 14, 2004
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Being a total arse but thinking everyone loves him. (Is that because he runs a pub by any chance?)
"I've shagged 150 birds"
"Are you being a Daz Jones again?"
by steve October 31, 2003
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a code word for masturbation. one of many slangs for the word.
-did you dazs your haagen last night?

-yup i beat the meat

-you choked the chicken?

-i sure spanked that monkey

..etc, etc, etc
by Myspace Joe July 16, 2006
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When Darren fails at being funny
Darren (says shit joke)

person 2 get rekd Daz
by dazza69420lol May 30, 2021
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To get “daz wacked” Is to get absolutely mortal on frosty jacks, marijuana, MDMA and Mkat and try to feel up anyone in site.
Then proceed to let anyone in your house and have a massive drug fuelled sesh.
“I got absolutely Daz Wacked last night!”
by BigPdogondascene April 20, 2018
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