368 definitions by Ac
A wonderful place where many sluts roam the earth providing sexual pleasure to many luck bastards with money to spend.
"Hey Frankie.... lets go and get some Puuu-saay in Slutville"
"Whats that smell..... I think its an anchovies cunt steaming from Slutville"
"Whats that smell..... I think its an anchovies cunt steaming from Slutville"
by Ac August 5, 2003
by Ac March 12, 2003
Individual who acts like he is tough, but when things get hectic or tense, he gets scared and acts like the punk he really is. They have been shook up by the reality and are labeled shook ones
by Ac January 31, 2004
in possession of all good qualities
by Ac February 11, 2004