It's where you play online with friends & meet others. Playing online is like playing on hard mode, everyone kicks your *ss in online. On the mic is usually 12 year olds yelling onto the mic, teens trying to bully you or people with terrible mics(very loud and static sounding). Xbox live also has hackers, glitchers, noobs, pros, trollers and 360 no scopers!
Lol! u play Xbox Live! I play Playstation! lollololooooololollololoz!
by Urbanerectus August 27, 2018
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Place where you learn just how many people (mostly 12-year-olds) who your mother has had sexual relations with.
Kid on Xbox Live: I had sex wit ur mom
by swagmaster7169696969 May 27, 2016
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The cause for many couples breaking up, a total waste of time.

The males spend all their money on games and all their time playing the games.
Favourites being Halo and Brothers in arms and Call Of Duty.

Do not talk to their girlfriends because they are talking to someone in the next room or another country through their stupid headsets.
Xbox live for Xhole (ex-hole)

girl: "so what did u do today?"
boy (playing on xbox live): "whats that tony? its sunny in jamaca"
tony(on headset): "no mate, i love halo"
girl: "we're over"
by Rach123456789 January 20, 2009
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Xbox Live is the Anti-Christ himself. He takes over homes, lives and ruins marriages and relationships. Keep getting on Xbox Live everyday and before you know it you are homeless because your wife and kids left you because you were to drawn in by Satan himself. Start saving money now so you can pay for your kids therapy in 10 years. They're wondering why daddy didn't love them enough to stop playing xbox and play with them! Xbox live is for 30 something low life pussies to bully 10 year old little rich boys. Go ahead and ruin your life get on Xbox live today!
Daddy is on Xbox Live again...Mommy why doesn't he love us enough to just play with us one afternoon instead of get on Xbox Live and talk to people he don't even know?

Mommy: I don't know sweetue why your dad is a complete loser and playing with the devil. Hopefully these 10 year olds can support him because we are leaving his ass tommorrow morning!
by Good bye sucka July 11, 2008
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Yhe best thing that happened to the video game industry
Hey, yo, hit me semi pro and under sponsorships in Halo 2!!My Xbox Live Gamertag is Xx Anthraxz xX . So hit me up,k?(im no terrorist.i love the US of Canadian. lol
by Cody June 15, 2006
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My mom caught me on Xbox Live last night and grounded me because I'm a stupid pre-pubescent 10 year old using the internet for teenage and adult purposes to make me look cool and also to give Bill Gates money.
by blahhomies September 10, 2006
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