Before goimg to court the Defendant wondered WWJD if she were trying his case.
by Ttender December 9, 2006
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"What Would Jesus Do?"
Definitely not the montre of Democrats and other Bible-thumpers..
Lessee.. what would Jesus do about Homosexuals?
Ooh! He would probably beat them, knowing that the White Male is King!
by =^..^= February 20, 2005
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what would jason do?
jason: my imaginary friend. NOT jesus. or hey-sus, as some would put it.
"Why does the lamp shade say what would jesus do?"
"No! Its says what would JASON do!"
"Oh ok"
by nagem December 28, 2004
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would would jesus do? blaze, son...
what indeed would jesus do if he wants to chill? bless the herb...
by herb chill August 2, 2004
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What would Jesus do? your mom...
Fred: you must ask yourself, my son, what would jesus do?
Fred: how offensive ='(
by Mr. Mistoffelees x March 19, 2011
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What would Jimmy do .
You thought I was talking of Jesus?
But close.
When you have a friend named Jimmy.
Think to yourself. If your struggling.
I wonder WWJD to get a task done .
by DeathByUnicorn January 14, 2023
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