While a chick is giving a drunken sloppy blow job and just before you're gonna give her some throat yogurt she voms all over your cock but continues until the job is done.
Danny brought V-Dawg back to his apt and she starts going down on him like ghetto style but check this out, she was so fucked up she vommed all over his cock and he was like "oh my god why is there chicken terriyaki on my balls? I was almost done, you better fucking finish. GET BACK ON THAT TERRIYAKI COCK!!!!" So he shoved her face back down and she happily completed the vom-job. The End.
by Dr. Vom February 13, 2008
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"residual vomit"

vomit that is found -- usually in small quantities -- in the general vicinity surrounding the actual spot of the vomit
Allie: My foot is wet.
Peter: Did I spill my drink again?
Allie: Don't think so. Wait... don't tell me it's Mark's vomit?
Peter: It shouldn't be. He puked in the sink.
Seetha: I think Allie might have stepped in some res vom from when he was walking over to the sink.
Allie: GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!
Peter: EWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Peter Baltera January 7, 2008
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A huge, 3000 calorie pork pie with an egg in the middle. Actually called a 'vom pie' the irony being that you may indeed 'vom' after eating one.
"I'm gonna buy a vom pie today"
"I'm going to take the vom pie challenge"
"I had a heart attack after eating a vom pie"
by Do September 13, 2003
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That feeling you get when you are SO HUNGRY that you feel like you could almost throw up.
Ugh, dude, I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday. Total hunger vom right now.
by Lizziefreshhh January 9, 2011
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Abreviation of "thats sick"
Person1:"that joke was sick"
Person2:"no, that joke was bare voms"
by Shiddim July 24, 2006
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To vomit and brazenly act as if it were not anything but de rigueur. Throwing up like it ain't no thang. Tossing one's cookies with an air of relaxation. Literally, a combination of vomit and non chalant.
DOOD: So listen, girl, I think you <yak! hwarf!!> lookin' real serious tonight, and I was wonderin' if you would be interested in accompanying me back to my crib.

DOODETTE: That was real Vom Chalant, and all, but I think I'll be fine at my own place.
by cerveaux September 23, 2006
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When you burp and bring up a small amount of vomit or stomach acid
I've just done a vom burp and it tastes like I chundered
by Zeta +Shaun July 15, 2004
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