awesome game
the people who knock it are the ones who didn't make the team. Sucks to be you guys!!!
That volleyball playa is so damn fine!
by suckstobeu September 10, 2003
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tha fukin aweswomest sport in tha world, when you hit tha ball down some guys throat alot of skill is needed
i played volleyball yesterday...pounded a guyy in the face
by vball June 11, 2004
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volleyball: the most awesome sport there is. those who disagree, are either too lazy to get up and take some fricking lessons, or they just suck at everything else and decide that they would rather watch the girls in tight spandex. Screw you.

caution: volleyball is not for wimps.
bump, set, spike. its funny how dirty little things can sound....
by TiArika June 6, 2005
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1.)to a boy: volleyball is mostly about girls with big asses in spandex
2.)to girls who play: once you start you cant stop. one may be a D.S or a libaro, another may be a setter, most likely the taller ones will be hitters( or attackers) one of the hardest yet funnest sports.
3.)to girls who dont play: i could do that easily. seriously this game looks so easy.

Jack: damn look at her ass!

Jim: Hell yaa!

Jenny: are you coming to the game tomorrow?

Jill: Of coursse! Ive been practicing!

stuck up girl at school: play volleyball. that sport is for wimps

girl who plays volleyball: shut up bitch id like to see you pass a ball thats been smacked at you by a 6 foot 11 girl.
by Patty Marie December 18, 2011
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the best sport out there, and if u think volleyball isnt a sport then u are either a dumb@$$, or obviosly you have no idea what so ever what a sport is, cuz ur too lazy to get ur ass off that chair and actually do somethin rather than check on what words mean!! What a loser! go get a life! i feel sry 4 u!
by no1sbussines August 31, 2003
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missing the ball, trpping over the net, aching wrists , it's not just a sport , IT'S A LIFESTYLE
when the season come's around, volleyball is my life , once you start playing you never want to stop
by amandaaaaaaaaa February 16, 2007
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