a volleyball player that can distribute the ball with effectiveness. While at the same time making the other teams block look stupid. This is done by being still in the air while playing the ball.
by vbfan February 18, 2005
A creeper that has very little money, spends a lot of time in the closet and won't come out until the night. Usually look really weird and are very pale.
by DAsmurflin April 26, 2011
1. adj. cool, great, or awesome.
2. n. A high class version of an Irish Setter, a popular dog breed.
3. interj. Used to express extreme awesomeness.
Synonyms: Cedric Gordon, awesome possum
Etymology: Just a funny phrase my best friend and I made up in high school and used among our group of friends.
2. n. A high class version of an Irish Setter, a popular dog breed.
3. interj. Used to express extreme awesomeness.
Synonyms: Cedric Gordon, awesome possum
Etymology: Just a funny phrase my best friend and I made up in high school and used among our group of friends.
1. That's pretty Swank Setter.
2. I say old chap, that is a rather Swank Setter, much swankier than the MacDonald's pooch.
3. So we're cool right? Yes? Swank Setter!
2. I say old chap, that is a rather Swank Setter, much swankier than the MacDonald's pooch.
3. So we're cool right? Yes? Swank Setter!
by niai September 20, 2005
A person who travels to numerous places around the world to places that other people always want to go but never do.
by dbtheman January 24, 2006
'Trend' relates to a sense of fashion, style, music or 'swagg' with dominant influence within the Hip-Hop community.
A 'Trend Setter' would be the source of that influence; the movement or artist who started it all.
A 'Trend Setter' would be the source of that influence; the movement or artist who started it all.
Prodigy has been a big trend setter since Rap started.
Dr Dre has been and still continues to be a trend setter in this producing industry.
Whats on the mind of a trend setter on rap music?
Dr Dre has been and still continues to be a trend setter in this producing industry.
Whats on the mind of a trend setter on rap music?
by Fialeseshie 'GeneralREA$ON' October 13, 2008
An extreme athlete or alpha male on the anabolic steroid Trenbolone, aka the steroid of all steroids.
by TheRealTrenSetter September 17, 2020
A drama setter is simply a person who sets drama. A person may set drama in a variety of ways, and is a broad term in essence.
by James Woods James Woods January 12, 2019