Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the current President of Russia. He is a former KGB agent and he is super strong and dangerous. He is currently invading Ukraine.
Emily: Stop invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin! -makes edit about Save Ukraine-

Putin: Думаешь, я боюсь дегенеративной маленькой девочки? Теперь я буду вторгаться в Украину еще сильнее!

(You might want to translate to English unless you speak Russian)
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God-Emperor Putin to the likes of you.
Peter Drury: Now here's Vladimir Putin, the God-Emperor himself. He shoots... and he scores! How did he score from outside the stadium?
Gary Neville: There's never been a better player, even though he's never played football and is usually far too busy leading our civilisation towards an uncertain fate.
by Max Biggins October 9, 2020
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When your ranga friend rocks up at school with the fresh cut and he looks like a Russian and you call him a gay Russian
Ohhh look there’s Chris
“Vladimir Putin fuckin where’s the vodka
by Drunkonsteppingstones69 April 21, 2019
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A former President of the United States who was kicked out of the office for sexual terms with members of the white house. Vladimir was also the 1st-25th President of the United States. He was also the first human to exist along with Donald J Trump and Kim Jong Un. Now they all live together as one big happy gay family.
Person 1: Hey look, Vladimir Putin is dancing to Rasputin
Vladimir: Come dance with me
Person 1: That´s gay
Vladimir: No it isn´t
by ReaperFL November 9, 2018
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A dickhead who decided to send forces to Ukraine, and basically ordered genocide. He oppresses speech and anything about the Russo-Ukraine war that isn't putting Russia in the good. He literally said he was a victim of cancel culture too. Zelenskyy is gonna beat his ass.
You know Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation? He's a dickhead, someone needs to REDACTED.
by NoodlePlanet 212 April 30, 2022
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