When a man sneaks off to be alone to masturbate and his best friend secretly follows him and moves his arm for him.
After an evening at the titty bar Bob excused himself but Joe followed him to the restroom stall and gave him a Tulsa Paddle Wheel.
by Uncle Mojo December 7, 2010
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A sexual position in which the woman engages in oral sex with the man, while the man is in a standing position and the woman is upside down doing a handstand. The man then has the option to "pump the keg" by fisting her vaginally.
"That girl last night was crazy; she treated me to a Tulsa County Keg Stand"
by FazedOut December 13, 2009
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A diarrhea and fart combination so foul that it leaves your intestines cramped and your asshole bloody
by Bigness D June 20, 2020
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Heros in my eyes, the few people fighting the juggalos. when the juggalos are just low middle class white kids that cry about how they have had such a hard core life because mommy and daddy didnt baby them news flash no ones lifes perfect
I owe the Tulsa Anti-Juggalo League because when i was being jumped by juggalos one of there members jumped in and saved me so i pay my respect to such a honarable group
by Cullamore May 8, 2010
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A group, with origins in Tulsa,OK basing their lives off hate for those who call themselves juggalos. This group consists of grown men, beating down 15-16 year old clown kids. While most juggalos are on hold, awaiting a large scale retaliation, there are those who turn a blind eye. The most educated wording towards juggalos I have ever heard, was our twist on the golden rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated, but don't take any shit either. Is there any questions to what should take place?I don't think I could spell it any clearer.
guy 1- Hey have you heard of those punks in the Anti Juggalo League of Tulsa?
guy 2- Hell yeah, let's kill those motha fackoz.
by KillaWitAMission April 13, 2009
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The greatest Mustang Club in Oklahoma if not the World. Home of the Jerbear!

Started in 2006-
Bold Moves Mustang Club is dedicated to giving our members a setting in which they can enjoy the passion that we all share for our beloved Mustang. BMMC is committed to our members and we strive to provide a unique and pleasurable atmosphere where you can make lifelong friends while enjoying a common interest.
Bold Moves Mustang Club of Tulsa
Bmmc Rocks!
by 2006Gt January 23, 2009
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A milquetoast version of the standard "missionary position" where as the male is on top, and he executes only two moves...up and down.
Victoria was very disappointed that, while Carl was cute and wealthy, the only move he knew in bed was the Tulsa One Two.
by El Moondo May 17, 2011
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