As an adjective: If somethin' is pimpin', it's pretty darn cool. It's probably something "normal" that's tricked out ghettolicious and gawdy.
Basically, you look very ghettofab and blingbling.

However, as a verb
1.) to pimp something out is to *make* it look very ghettofab and all that nifty stuff in the above paragraph.
2.) to pimp is to advertise (generally, in an enthusiastic sense) or to call attention in order to bring acclaim to something; to promote.
Somebody buys some hideous plaid pants and then adds about five pounds of metal chains ... well, that's pimpin'.

A friend creates a collage of ... Angelina Jolie's various tattoos ... you pimp the collage to others, so that they'll see her work.
by karen.elizabeth March 20, 2004
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1. (verb) To consort with multiple women.
2. (noun) One who consorts with multiple women, running a business in which the women sell their bodies for the profit of both themselves and the pimp.
1) Check it dawg, I be pimpin' da hoes.
2) Mah nigga Jacquan be da tightest pimp in da wes' side.
by reyflyinfury619 April 26, 2003
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This is an acronym for ''Profit In My Pocket''. This is the true and only meaning.
I'm the pimp here so listen!
by Nicxtrem99 August 21, 2013
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a word egotistical and arrogant little boys use in junior high to equalize and stabalize there ever so raging hormones. they go around saying i am a motherf*&^%$# pimp homie!! then their homeboys shout fo shizzle! they also call all girls slut, bitch! they think they are something they are not. hence they think they are pimps when in reality they are wimps!!
boy 1: hey bitch let me grab your ass! now tell me who the f*&^ is your pimp?
slutty girl: you are baby!
non-slutty girl: have some respect for girls you f*&^*&^ worthless wimp!
boy2: got burned by dat slut! anyways nice job homie..holla!!
by do not call me a slut! October 14, 2004
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Pimp is a highly successful male Swinger.
Tony: Prince was such a Pimp he slept with more women in a year than most guys will sleep with their entire lives. Too bad he's dead.

Jumaine: You got that right! He will be missed.
by Box Worm November 24, 2019
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Jack: yo man, he gets all the girls, he's like a male version of a whore.
Karl: That's a pimp...
by urman5568 February 5, 2012
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an activity that men in purple suits partake in by slapping some hos around and taking money they acquired by having sex with lonely men.
Is pimping easy?

Hell yeah...

Somehow that is correct.
by some1 random May 11, 2006
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