Flying- The knack of aiming for the ground and missing
I jumped off a cliff yesterday....midway down it i saw this girl with gorgous legs...i was so distracted that i missed the ground and started flying
by Macros June 2, 2003
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A classic science-fiction/horror film about a scientist's "teleport" machines, which dissolve atoms in one place to recreate them in another. When the scientist unwittingly shares the machine with a common housefly, he turns into a hideous hybrid of man and insect--and begins to literally bug out. The scientist wants to reverse the process, but first he must catch that fly.
by creepy July 12, 2004
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To become off the ground and move.
A bird can fly throughout the world gracefully and carefree.
by Michael Plumlee June 25, 2007
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Every time I see you I have to resist swatting the fly… just know when I see you, I am always swatting a fly❤️❤️❤️😘
Until the time I finally can catch that fly ❤️❤️❤️❤️
… and that will be when I am in arms, can say I love you to your eyes❤️❤️❤️
My dream… never changes!

It is always

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1. Late 90's one hit wonder band.

2. The way civil engineering technologists spell the word "flies" because they don't understand that fly becomes flies when used in third person form.
Remember that band The Flys? They sang that "Got you where I want you" song! That singer from The Flys really likes airplines, he flys (should be flies) all the time.
by who's high pitch? March 31, 2005
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A bug with wings that annoying the shit out of you and then eats it
I am going to kill that fly
by SUMFURRYTHING June 27, 2016
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1. the zip on ur jeans that keeps the slodier in his tank
2. meaning sexy hot genarally nice person
3. an anoying bug
1. ur flying low
2. pretty fly for a white guy
3 shit i swollowed a fly
by wonder woman February 9, 2004
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