used to describe a stupid,fat,ugly,pampered person. Who constantly whines,cribs,bitches,complains,cries,eats.
*stupid,fat,ugly,pampered person walks into a bar*

dude number1- Whoa look at that

dude number2-haha whatta fuckin Walrus.
by return to serenity May 8, 2010
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An older gentleman using the online children's game 'Club Penguin' as a playground to find little unsuspecting kiddies to drag back to his 'ice-dungeon' (usually an upside-down couch with a thawing bag of frozen peas)
"My little brother is being swallowed into a world of walri"

"A walrus was hitting on me today. How did I know? Well it became a little late..."
by herman.fritz December 4, 2009
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He used to be the head editor of the website, a comedy website.
The Walrus was so cool, man, it's too bad he left LG.
by Athena Kay April 18, 2004
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a socialy awkward kid who has a long nose Who nobody likes, but stills fallows the group and tryies to invite him self every where, the walrus is also to scared to eat by him self.
that kid is a walrus ahr ahr ahr
by Albert hall man March 2, 2008
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Walrus is the crunkest cereal in da hood, some think of it as a narcotic due to it's addictive flavor and the fact that its main consumers are crackheads. Like most ghetto-ass products, Walrus comes in a huge plastic bag, Fuck boxes. Walrus can be eaten with cereal, by hand, snorted, or injected. When you refer to Walrus, be sure to just say Walrus, no extras. You can find Walrus in your local Brookshires grocery store marked "Cocoa Crisprice."

P.S.- Walrus is strictly for ballas and crackheads, so if you is a weak ass nigga, this shit will fuck you up.
John: Hey man what are you eating? is that cereal?
by Walrus Lover May 16, 2008
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A stupid girl who needs to getta life up in here!
Damnn! What is up with her! Walrus!

What a hermit walrus!
by cupcakemeself9239 May 31, 2011
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"I am the Eggman, They are the Eggmen, I am the Walrus, Koo Koo K'Choo!" Sang John Lennon
by Mister Miser May 11, 2008
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