the process in which doppelgangers begin to look less like you and more like you traded beauty secrets with tom riddle.
voldemortization seen in Doctor Who season 6 episode 5
by ohhey4 May 23, 2011
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Verb - When someone was supposed to die by magical means of but instead survives usually with some sort of side effect such as a scar, having terrible things happen constantly happen to them, (i.e. being hunted)
Ex. 1
Person A: Dude did you hear about Harry Potter?
Person B: Yeah I heard he got voldemorted.

Ex. 2

Person A: Have you read Radiant
Person B: Isn't that the French Manga about people who are all voldemorted?
Person A: Yeah it's the story is great.
by Tashi497 March 15, 2020
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The greatest villain of all time. Lord Voldemort also seen in Harry Potter. Also a good wizard rock band.
Guy: voldemort is the best.
Girl he sucks.
Voldemort:avada kedavra!!!
by juggalo1533 October 13, 2008
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A seriously mental dude who happens to like torturing and killing little children. Likes to make harry potter unomfortable with suggestive script lines and giggles about it later,yet still wishes he could have GAYMANSEX with said emo kid.
Harry Potter: "Holy SHIT! Sirius just pulled a Voldemort on me! That was NOT his wand in his pocket!"
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a fake person - two-faced - exactly like He-who-must-not-be-named himself.
"She's such a Voldemort. Bitch."


"Fucking Voldemort!!"
by a9k1 May 18, 2010
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When you cum on your partner's forehead in the shape of a lightning scar and then kill their parents.
"Yeah it was totally awesome, I was gonna Voldemort her but I couldn't go through with it"
Voldemorting: The act of cumming on your partners forehead in the shape of a lightening scar and then killing their parents
by BatteryLow July 20, 2015
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