simply a pretty boy....
thinks to himself that he is WAY COOL and secretly he is

really bad a rock, paper, scissors
need work with 7 hand poker too ;)
Girl 1: He is such a shawn!
Girl 2: I know, but he is so hot, I want him!
by lets86that December 16, 2007
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A name that may be the most altered one-syllable name in the English language.

Not only does it originate from a different name that still exists (John), but it also contains the most alternative spellings for a one-syllable word, including: Shaun, Sean, and Shon.

The name can also be altered by adding random words or sounds at the beginning, such as: Keyshawn, Marshawn, Deshawn. *A note to parents: Extreme care should be used when using these variants as people will expect your child to be a great athlete if given a name like this.

Shawn also crosses the gender line, as one may find women with the same name. For female names, variants can be made by adding syllables to the end of words, making Shawn into Shawna or Shondra .
Shawn looked at his Starbucks cup to see that the barista managed to mispell his name again.
by One of many Shawn's February 6, 2010
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A really nice and supper sweet person. He is super strong and is also mature.He can get all the girls he wants but only belongs to one, and he also knows his way around the kitchen.
Mom to daughter- Your new boyfriend Shawn of yours is really nice, he helped me make dinner and even made breakfast this morning . I think he's a keeper.
by Dbug12 November 13, 2017
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The bad boy, and ladies man. He grew up with a rough past with his father, and has a soft heart inside.
Shawnie (by Cory and Chet)
Mongo (by Cory)
The Cherry Bomb Mailbox Killer (BMW; "The Fugitive")
Merl (by Cory and Stacey)
Potsie (by Cory and Chubbie)
Veronica Wasboiski (as a female)
Mr. Loyalty (by Mr. Fontaine)
Ace (by Maya)
by What Gone Stephanie What December 22, 2016
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A person that sleeps with his brother and or dog
Hi I’m Shawn and I sleep with my dog
by Not Shawn July 20, 2020
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a guy who's addicted to gaming and very anti social
Bob: I've never seen Shawn
Elmo: Good
by fdhdh August 23, 2017
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Gave up on love a long time ago. Runs like an anime character, writes poetry, generous gum giver, lover, fighter.
by BillFromOhio July 8, 2014
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