Gary is a sweet, loving, and caring dude. He is very slow and can sometimes be quite smart. He also has a big heart and he gets messed over by everyone he meets. No matter what your going through Gary will always make sure that your okay. If Gary continuously asks what’s wrong and you are sitting there going
“ nothing “ then something is wrong, so tell him what’s the matter! That’s why here’s there for you motha fucka! Gary can actually give you good advice and can relate to your struggles so talk to with him about it! Gary loves and cares about you that’s why he asks if your okay! Gary loves his best friend💜as well!
Gary is a sweet guy.
by Hawthorne1731 September 20, 2018
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The most handsome man you have ever met in your entire life. He is cute, gorgeous, wonderful and very lovable.

You love him with all your heart because not only does he make you feel amazing he makes you feel like the happiest girl in the world.

I'll always be yours for as long as you want me to be.

I love you Gary.
by SesbatronMogwai November 10, 2017
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just another word for marijuana. it comes in handy cause its not very widely known as a slang term so its easy to keep on the down low
hey lets go talk to gary. or lets go to gary's house. gary wants us to go climb some trees. lets go hike up mount gary.
by spoonie spoonicus April 17, 2006
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Short for "Gary Groundwork", a term used to describe a guy doing the 'groundwork' to pick up a girl.
Guy 1: "You were the biggest Gary on Chloe at the party on Saturday!"


Guy A: "I think I might Gary Kate this afternoon"
Guy B: "You've got no chance"
by Gary G June 27, 2005
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Gary's are often either awesome, or complete pricks. Mostly pricks.
Gary's so completely awesome, that he needs no example.

Gary's a complete douche, and deserves horrible, horrible, things.
by Hinamorii October 31, 2010
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Colloquial term used to describe one's father.

Derived from the name of actor Gary Oldman, whose surname, "old man", is in and of itself a colloquialism for father. Instead of saying "my old man", it is sufficient to say "my Gary".
1. "Can't go out tonight, I'm having a drink with my Gary."

2. "What do you want from Gary Christmas this year, Timmy?"

3. "Luke, I am your Gary."
by Trimp April 10, 2009
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A sweet, funny guy with ginormous ears that tend to be freakishly stretchy. He is a great friend or boyfriend and an athletic guy. They tend to be short but their humongous ears make up for it. They are generally smart but don't act like it and is very blond at times (even though they are usually brown haired). He makes friends easily and hangs out with more girls than guys. He always feels like he needs a girlfriend when he's single and feels like being single when he's in a relationship.
That guy is such a Gary.
by bootybump and hole punch April 9, 2011
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