The diamonds is a fanbase name of the popular pop singer/songwriter Marina (also known by her old name Marina and the Diamonds, which includes her fanbase's name).
OMG.... Marina released a new song and the diamonds are going crazy!!!
by scaddi October 9, 2021
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a precious stone consisting of a clear and typically colorless crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance.
a figure with four straight sides of equal length forming two opposite acute angles and two opposite obtuse angles; a rhombus.
"decorative diamond shapes"
a strong gorgeous woman
There's a diamond.
by Schoolbus:) June 1, 2016
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A 5% lager made by manchester holts brewery that makes you pass out in the car park after only 6 pints. like old Stella - rocket fuel! Can be used to describe any lager that can knock you out for under £15
Mate i had 6 pints of diamond last night and i still cant feel my face

This polish stuff is strong - but it aint no diamond
by swazze July 7, 2009
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1. A male person that is flamboyantly homosexual.
2. A subliminal derogatory term used for male homosexuals.
3. Derived from the synonomous term that "a diamond is a girls best friend."
4. Originated in northern California in order to talk about homosexuals openly without sounding provokingly offensive.
That man is a 'diamond.'
by george March 25, 2005
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A diamond is a very usual being, but is a very humorus female that can brighten up anyones day, though she may be annyoing at times and some people see as crazy she always has a best friend by her side names natasha a diamond maybe shiney but some diamonds can be different this diamond is emotional and has a sensitive heart so if your the boy she likes becareful or you might break her heart and she will abandon you forever a diamond has a very odd laugh the one that almoat every one dislikes she laughs at everything she gets talked about a lot but that wont bring diamond down a diamond maybe sensitive but a diamond can learn to stay strong at times and learn from her mistakes ^w^
Everyone: why do you laugh at everything

Diamond: because i can, im not like everyone else im different and im proud so deal with it
by What is a diamond? March 14, 2017
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A guy who ditches all his friends to fall in love with the first girl he sees. In most cases you will go months at a time without seeing him, but he will make facebook appearences stating his dying love for this girl. Every 4 minutes.
Ya, Thad saw that girl at the party, she was hefty and he's still being a Diamond.

Did you see Eric's post on facebook, I was hoping it wasnt so but we wont be seeing much of that Diamond anymore.

You think that chick turned Roy into a Diamond?
by Ryan Yeagggggglleeeyy May 4, 2013
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A highly sort after Minecraft jewel that causes robloxians to gag in its disgustingness
Holy damb Jimmy Neutron, come look at this hella yeast diamond
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