Spare motorcycle.
Derogatory term for diminutive small or tatty spare motorcycle used to stand in for a proper machine.
Common to owners of vintage British motorcycles. Assumed 'Crunch' refers to accident or broken down status.
'Brit' biker would be embarrassed seen riding small Japanese bike or 'Jap Crap'. Hence importance of term 'Crunch' to offer explanation for such odd behaviour as only due to being hard up whilst simultaneously affirming existence of other superior machine.
Honda stepthru C50/C90 or 'granny basher' is a typical. 'Crunch.'
'Hey, what's with the plastic crap?'
'Yeah, its my crunch, the old nail's in bits'
by propstand January 6, 2008
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The sound that cannabis makes when it has been treated with silica, fibreglass or glass dust to add weight. The term can also be used to describe the cannabis itself.
A: yeah i got some bud.
B: is it good shit?
A: yeah man, good shit, no crunch.
by Trip_d April 15, 2007
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Saving money in the Credit Crunch. Fucking Buzzwords...
A: You coming out tonight?
S: No mate - im crunching.
A: Dickhead.
by GingerBastard1 February 5, 2009
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A word you use when something is cool to you or just a word that crunch
That’s one crunchy lookin Fortnite skin
by Juicecrust October 27, 2018
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Andrew:Hey Joe!

Joe: What?
Andrew Crunch Time!
by RoyalMotherFucker September 15, 2018
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