use in the same vain as Clever Dick, or Smart Arse, to be used after a person has made a statment, or knows everything, Generally used by posh people who are trying to be "hip" and on the "download" with the "kids"
That bob is a knowledgeable testical
by the next name maker February 5, 2010
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When a wild monke comes out of a forest and fights you wins by throwing a metal monke at your head and you drop your tennis ball and it blesses it for the fuckin Albuquerque gods and names it mr creamy testical
Oh no that monke came out of the forest and attacked me by throwing a metal monke and I dropped my tennis ball so the monke got the

fuckin Albuquerque gods and named the ball mr creamy testical
by May 22, 2022
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The fracturing of ur testicular membrane when a person kicks u in the balls with the pain equivalent to getting circumscised
by Kanye west stole my balls July 18, 2018
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This syndrome is very bad to have. If you have this your penise wil have testical cancer,frostbite on you small penis meaning for it to fall
That fatherless child called alam has Alam testical syndrome
by Boy_with_dad May 25, 2022
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When spoken/written word is wrong, dishonest, or generally disagreeable.
Derrived from testicles, in the same vein as "Bollocks".
Guy One: "This happened to my buddy Eric."
Guy Two: "That's testic as fuck bro."
by Jockstrap C0wboy December 17, 2021
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when somebody rips your balls off and you die from blood loss.
"did you hear that mr jones died of testicality?" "what the fuck is that."
by GOOBERT IN ALL CAPS January 22, 2022
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