Usual a short blond girl, normally with curls but prefers it straight. Seen mostly with brilliant bright blue eyes.

An extremely loud, outgoing and enthusiastic person. Not afraid to express her true feelings and a very affectionate person.

She has no concern about what other people think of her, she can laugh at herself and has very little regrets.

She falls in love easily and always smells good, she is easily misjudged by people if they don't take the chance to get to know tay.

"That girl is such a Tay."
"Tay is such an inspiration."
by happy.chap1 February 16, 2009
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Being a Blackout, yet functioning drunk.
Dang man, you were a Tay-Tay last night, telling me all about my kink Santa Clause sex.
by Scottland Thomas November 27, 2011
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Tay is God.

God is Tay.

She is the physical construct of all that is holy, and supports the Diabettism religion.
I really wanna have segz with Tay.

Tay is so frickin' hawt.

Hey! Let's sacrifice our children to Tay.

I would suck a cactus for Tay
by aremu February 1, 2021
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Tay is a strong confident boy,who has the sweetest heart. He always says the right things and is a charmer. He loves to cuddle and be close to you. Even tho he can play it off like he is innocent but he is secretly a little freaky. He is the best boyfriend to have and is hella loyal. Get you a Tay !
by Island girl October 21, 2017
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A word used in western washington to describe cute girls while in there presence. Directly translates into Beautiful, Model, Gorgeous and or Cute
Gabe: Look over there two tays!
Cory: wow the one on the left is very tay!
by 240kid February 5, 2009
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Coined by an omniscient man while intoxicated at a party.
TAI refers to being under the influence of a substance, primarily alcohol.
Brendan: Hey slut!
Mitch: How, you doing cap?
Brant: Hey guys, you want to go fuck a blowup doll?
Mitch: I'm a slut.
Brendan: Lately, I have been teaching myself slutish, a cutie language developed from autistic savants.
Mitch: Cap, how many languages do you know?
Brendan: Approximately 27.
Brant: My jizz tastes salty.
Mitch: You wanna TAI tonight?
Brendan: Sure
Mitch: Should I call ppl?
Brendan: Ya, you should organize it.
---------------------(night of the party)---------------------
Alex: I'm TAIing tonight (woot) (woot)
Mark: Yep (pops the cork)
Drew: Hell yah (chugs)
Matt: What Kathy doesn't know won't hurt her! (gulps)
Brant (calls Brendan): Why wasn't I invited?
Brendan (answers phone): Umm, uhh (hangs up)
by Hank Patterson December 23, 2009
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