A demoness from Hell whose sole purpose is to drain the souls of men by having sex with them while they are asleep. Also referred to as the "Temptress of the Night".
If you wake up feeling very weak, and with a painful erection, you probably made love to a succubus.
by Vampire! March 5, 2003
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A deceitful con artist female whom trolls for legit men to take care of her finacially . while she lives a second life behind his back..as a crack house whore cant get enough crack or dick..and drains the legit man dry leaving a husk finacially ..emotionally..when he finds out the relationship was a scam from jump.
Man stand clear of that bitch she is nothing but a crack hoe succubus..she ll play legit to your face but when your back us turned she be running to the crack house to get her fix of crack and black dick.and when you find out her true heart you be a broken mess
by Crackedupcracker March 10, 2017
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A female who steals people away, keeping them in an unexplainable trance-like mood (usually stolen through a sexual act). A succubus (singular) usually preys on single men, generally your best friend or close family member (incubus). Trying to regain your status with your friend/family member is very difficult, and once the sexual acts begin, your chances of redemption have almost dissipated. Openly expressing discontent towards said succubus will only empower it, causing it to increase its efforts with your friend/family member. At this point, you have a better chance of surviving a nuclear blast than defeating the succubus. The best chance for defeating it, is if it somehow makes a mistake, insulting and dishonoring the incubus. Only if the incubus has morals, and a will stronger than its literal/metaphorical erection, will he stand a chance for surviving. If the succubus is not defeated, death is a certainty, whether you never see the incubus in it's original state of mind again, or it literally has the life drained out of it due to prolonged exposure to the succubus. Other tools of the succubi are lies, or extreme sexual dominance for the purposes of demeaning the incubus and overpowering him.
A male making a new female friend, who then ends up spending all of his time with her and abandoning his friends and family. "That succubus stole our friend."
by mrTea88 October 27, 2012
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An unfeeling, undead beast who bears children for other people to raise while she pursues a fantasy (i.e., a no-chance career in modeling).

A thing who spits kids out but realizes it's not always fun to care for them thus allows DCF to take them away, (i.e., Natalia KNAJ, Katherine Arsenault Jarvis).

An addict to drugs, alcohol & false attention, an annoying piece of shit, a fuck up, a self-absorbed waste of space who will sleep with people twice their age for even a stick of gum.

That undeniable stench of incompetence, mental numbness & self-hatred one feels & uses a false sense of self as a front.
Now that Photoshop & airbrushing effects are all too common in today's world, you'd think the old, raggedy succubus would stop making a fool of itself & make room for the MUCH younger, MUCH more talented & genuinely talented & beautiful models out there who show up in bikinis, IN PERSON & who don't try desperately to deceive.
by PigsAreForFood August 15, 2014
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"a demon form hell sent to suck the life out of men" -South Park

a controlling girlfriend who has her boyfriend whipped so bad that u never get to hang out with him or see him anymore and will ditch his buddies for her anytime. he is so whipped its sad. so very very sad.
damn mike your girlfirned is such a succubus!
I havnt seen that kid ever since he started dating that succubus
by luca89 March 23, 2006
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A woman who is thought to be a demon that haunts mens souls. Also known as a backstabbing bitch, cunt and whore, particularly among her former lovers. Is said to be obsessive and impossible to get rid of, making it hard for a man to be with a new woman. Is sometimes even said to rape a man in his sleep. In reality, she´s just an ordinary woman who is for some reason unforgettable.
My ex turned out to be a real succubus. No other woman seems to be able to match her awesomeness.
by 18yearstogo September 10, 2011
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