"Stag a man's beer"
stag costs 10TT or 1.66 US
by ateam October 21, 2006
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1. n. A sophisticated practical joke. Typically, a well planned prank between friends.|| the ultimate burn. 2. v. To pull a stag or practical joke. 3. v.i. Stagged, stagging, stagger.
"Getting Brad to apologize for stagging the Marshalls when he didn't really do anything, was in itself, the ultimate stag"
by JnglKng April 14, 2005
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1) Meaning erection

2) Derogatory term. Commonly meaning noob
1) that chick gave me a monster stag

2) jeez, i cant believe how stag dave is!!!
by EP47 February 10, 2008
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1) A really stubborn person.
2) A relentless person.
1: Why`d you have to be such a stag about going to a strip club, bitch?

2: Man, you were such a stag to not give up, even though you were bleeding.
by Fonethical April 11, 2004
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a local St Louis beer concocted form the shwag of many different brews.
This case of Stag only cost $6.50!
by Schlack June 2, 2005
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(1). A female who has many gay (usually male) friends
(2). A female who likes to hang around gay (usually male) people

See hag
Im not gay, I just consider myself a stag;gays and lesbians are so much fun
by The One And Only...Rico May 24, 2005
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