A nickname used for insulting people. Known in the hood as a *******. You could also call them a **** or ************
Julia a.k.a. sparkly shorts, favorite pokemon is pollywhirl.
by Andre yo momma August 30, 2009
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a sex position that takes place on a bunk bed. the girl is attached to the underneath of the top bunk and the guy is doing a back bend on the bottom bunk. she repeatedly pours sparkling cider on him.
the sparkly rhino
by lalalalalalala4 March 1, 2010
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Friends who have had a romantic past and still emotionally care about each other and keep a friendship going. They take part in activities such as going to church and going on walks.
by Odeyyyyyy November 11, 2021
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Tiny ice-crystals on asphalt pavement that show up as twinkly reflections in your headlights while you're warily driving in near-freezing weather during nighttime hours. You'll always want to slow down even more when you see them, since this means that you are currently traversing a slightly-colder area where black ice is likely present.
"Bare and dry" roadways are all well and good, but you should still a;ways watch out for sparklies, especially in the pre-dawn hours --- that tends to be when the cold pavement is coated with a heavy dew and is therefore the most treacherous, with slippery patches of nearly-invisible ice-slicks that can send your car sliding all over the place.
by QuacksO December 31, 2019
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“did you just say you wanna lick her toes? That’s sparkly behavior.”
by alohabk March 22, 2023
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One might be classified as sparkly if their personality can be catagorised as happy and amazing. If ones self comes under this section then the subsection of being incredible human beings may be applied. If you are described as sparkly then it is a compliment to ones self as you are being described as bubbly.
Zoe - “I think you are very sparkly
Freya - “Thanks Zoe :)”
by Frojo May 6, 2020
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