A guy or gal who is part of your vacation group who rises some time late in the morn and doesnt get into first gear even until mid afternoon. The sloth takes his/her vacation real slow and easy.
And then theres greg, the sloth of our party weekend group. Heeats his first meal close to noon and offsets his day like that. Hes so relaxed that the word hippie cant apply
by Theamazinggeek April 27, 2019
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To be stoned out of your mind, your reactions are as slow as a sloth.
This one girl got soooo slothed last night.
by AllPickledUp🍆 February 9, 2015
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Adjective - 1. Synonym for the word "chill".

2. Used interchangeably with "chill" in the same context as "chill".

3. Synonym for the word "cool" when used in the phrase "Cool story bro".
Sean: Yo Kevin how was your day today bro?
Kevin: It was a pretty sloth day Sean.

Kevin: Dude that girl over there is kind of cute.
Sean: Yeah dude I hear she's so sloth.

Sean: So one time I was walking in to my car and I saw gum on the ground!
Kevin: Sloth story bro, tell it again!
by KillerUnit May 19, 2011
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Derived from the Greek meaning; an extremely lazy man who accomplishes nothing on their own. A person who will lie incessantly with no regard for who the lie hurts. A person who believes they have power but in reality they have none. A person who believes they are heavenly creatures and will be going to heaven when in reality they have done nothing to get to heaven. A person who looks for the easy way out no matter what sin they have to break along the way. Usually a very good con man who attempts to gets rich from not paying those who do work for him and when his/her attempts at success on the backs of others begin to fail this person will become vindictive.
Victims of the sloth often feel as if they are on a deserted island watching the planes fly by.
by Sloth destroyer.... February 27, 2010
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Someone that moves at such a slow pace or is so lazy that they could only be labelled with such a name. Sloth can sometimes be used to label a pothead, or someone under the influence of weed.
Example 1:

Harry: Hey Lach, when are you going to get off your ass and remove the dead kitten from the toaster?

Lach: Meh'

Harry: SLOTH!

Example 2:

Harry (Pretty Alright) : Dude, can you pass me the potato chips?

Lach (very high) : I can't move...too high.

Harry: (Pretty alright) : dude, you are such a giant sloth

by Camperdown July 11, 2008
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a guy who sleeps all day, is lazy and always hungry but parties harder then anyone

also known as a jedison
Jake is a sloth he sleeps 18 hours but parties 24 hours
by commonplace October 29, 2008
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a man with a limp face (aka, stroke, etc.)
by erichockey3 January 2, 2010
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