used to state that a story is 100% true, no matter now insane, silly, or crazy it sounds, "one cent" is the part stating that not even 1% of this story is fake
"i shit you not one cent, the tiger did a backflip" roger said to george
by Insert inside joke here July 13, 2022
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When you REALLY don’t care about anything/anyone
Toxic little kid: Dude you suck ass at this game. I don’t understand why anyone wants to play with you or even talk to you.
Me: Bro my asshole hurts from taking shits that I don’t give.
Everyone in the voice channel: *laughs*
by Fireguy47 September 25, 2020
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"can i shit in your kitchen sink" is a term used for

the request of having hardcore gay furry sex
Erin: Yo wassup bro
Jake: Hey man wassup
Erin: Can i ask you a question
Jake: Sure thing
Erin: can I shit in your kitchen sink
Jake: WTF
Erin: wait you dont know what it means
Jake: Hell no
Erin: Search it up
by Erin Hasho August 10, 2021
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When you are that busy, that you don't even have time to look down when you are having a shit because you are too focused on something, you have to take it into the bathroom with you and use the toilet as a temporary office
Extreme measures involve having to wipe without even checking the state of the tissue before flushing it.
'I had that many emails coming through that I had to reply to, I didn't even have time to look at my own arse when I shit.'
by Davethefan July 17, 2015
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In the song "One Way Out" by Niels Van Gogh the song lyric is "I knew more than I shouldn't lie." However, due to a mistranslation it sounds more like "I eat more than I shit a lot."
This is used to when your kill-death ratio is excellent in Call of Duty Online Multiplayer.
Dang Son! I got 32 kills and only 1 death! I eat more than I shit a lot.
by Rhimjob June 22, 2011
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A quote from a movie called "die hard", meaning: obviously!
Usually used in phone conversations.
Supervisor: Attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only...
Detective John McClane: No fucking shit, lady! Do I sound like I'm ordering a pizza?
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used to describe the wildest part of a story is 101% true, no matter how insane it might seem
"i dropped my sandwich and i shit you not one cent, it landed perfectly back on the plate!"
by Insert inside joke here August 26, 2022
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