The most trustful, reliable boyfriend you could have.
Saxon is the best guy ever!
by Subnarina February 21, 2016
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The Germanic-speaking descendants of three tribes, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, who came from Denmark, northwestern Germany, and Holland, who settled in what are now England and southern Scotland in the fifth century, displacing the native Celts. Though they had close cultural ties with Scandinavia, they were on the recieving end of the Viking Raids from 793 to 1066, when the Anglo-Saxon government (now mostly under the control of Vikings) was annihilated by the Normans, a powerful group of French-speaking Vikings.
Beowulf is a notable example of Anglo-Saxon verse.
by El_Haggis September 12, 2006
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A black man fishing in a boat; Or a band of black men dressed as vikings.
Looks a that negro-saxon fishing in the river.
by Taylor Gulledge October 22, 2008
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One of descent from England, but no-where else (not even other parts of the united kingdom) who can trace his or her mitochrondric DNA to either the anglo mitochrondric eves or the saxons mitochrondric eves. Basically, if your family lived in England before 1066, you are of anglo-saxon descent. This label is NOT extended to Normans. Simply being pre-plantagenet is not enough to be considered anglo-saxon.
Many people who believe they are white anglo-saxons are infact, not.
by Gumba Gumba August 5, 2004
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White guy acting and speaking like an Afro-American.
Let's go see that Afro-Saxon Eminem perform tonight.
by Not-gonna-tellya April 22, 2005
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A group of black men fishing in a boat.

A group of black men dressed as vikings.
Wendy: Do you see those negro saxons fishing off the shore?

Tom: Yes, but i think they may be invading.
by Taylor Eaton October 28, 2008
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Also known as a Wigger, any white kid acting black
Derived from Negro-black person and saxon-Native to saxony of england
Negro-saxon-Yo yo man!
Normal person- Get the fuck away fucking negro-saxon
by Mr.Madness December 18, 2009
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