Acronym for Socially Acceptable Tourette's Syndrome. A less recognized, but much more common variation of traditional Tourette's Syndrome. People who suffer from (/enjoy) SATS are prone to sudden, seemingly involuntary outbursts of excited profanity when suddenly excited or irritated. SATS episodes are almost always non-violent and the people having SATS don't have nervous tics or involuntary spasms, though occasional growling, laughing, or light screaming is not uncommon.
"Dude, what the fuck!? Why won't this assfaced-fucktarded piece-o-shit page muthafuckin up-fuckin-load?! ...grrrr.... fuckityfuckfuckfuck!" ~SATS
by Munky! September 28, 2008
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He flunked the SAT so now he works at Walmart.
by MaximumJoker October 5, 2019
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that is short for Smiled And Then Stopped - SATS because come on you never really lol (laugh out loud) when texting
i dont say 'LOL' anymore i say 'SATS' because im cool!
by jas567 October 29, 2020
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Student Answered Test
“Yo are you tryna hang out Friday night?”

Well gosh diddly darn man! I have to take the SAT tomorrow.”
by Salad snake November 12, 2018
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Scholastic Assessment Test

A test simply made to seperate the intelligent and/or hard-working from the below-average and/or lazy people

People who were born intelligent will ace SAT without even studying which can be considered unfair. However, it is possible for an average person to get a 1600 by studying your ass off instead of going to parties, fucking, and watching porn. However, when you weigh both options, most students choose the choice that is more fun.

People who care born dumb can never act the SAT even if they study thier ass off. However, as stated above, lazy people will probably also never get a 1600 on the SAT because they are too damn lazy to get off their ass and buy a stupid book from Barnes and Nobles and study their ass off.

If an average person really wants to score a 1600 on the SAT--they have to buy the books that teach you the MATERIAL presented in the SAT. Only if you buy a book that gives you TRICKS to "work your way around the test" will you be considered a dumbass for getting ripped off. However, the SAT does use some TRICKS on the test when compared to the ACT--however, if you take practice SAT tests multiple times and learn the MATERIAL presented in the test, you will eventually learn by yourself the tricks the SAT puts out and how you can bypass it WITHOUT buying a book that only shows you tricks.

Many people are going to hate me for saying all this--but its true. Unfortunately, I always wanted to go to Yale but I'm just to damn lazy to open that stupid SAT prep book and actually read and do it.

BUT...sometimes the tricks the SAT puts out on you is just too much for some of us--which has nothing to do if we are lazy or hard-working. So there is a substitute if you want to get into that New England college you always wanted to go too--take the ACT. You will still have to study your ass off if you want to ace it--but the test will not attempt to trick you.
Dude: Yo...that SAT test is keepin' all of us from becoming successful, man!!
Dude (2): No, Bush and the neocons in Congress are keeping us (racial minorities,e.g., black , religious minorites, e.g., jew down, lower class, seniors, war veterans, victims of Hurricane Katrina) down. We're just too lazy to study for the damn test.
by Marcos1779 January 1, 2006
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An exam that everyone in their Junior year of high school in the United States has to take in order to enter college. It's purpose is to keep the black kids out.
SAT results:
Percentage of blacks in High School: 45.8%
Percentage of blacks in College: 0.0%
by SubtleRacist February 8, 2009
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