a means used by submariners aboard the uss tucson to make time fast forward to the future thus rendering long boring watches and FIELD days unaffective. shooting the shit bullshitting
"Quit fuckin roasting and rove!"
"Hey PETTY Officer!!, get your ass over here and man the roast with us."
"fucking khakies always breaking up roasts"
by RM3 June 5, 2007
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muliple males having sequential sex with a single female.
orgin: UK - stuffing a bird (as if for roasting)
At a party: Most of the rugby team is in the back roasting Lucy.
by anoni mouse October 29, 2003
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Roast - to go "roast" is to completely abandon a community or any responsibility that you have.
E.G Jimmy went Roast on his class project - never turned up to help them, ignored everyone involved on it and it eventually broke down and failed.
by insideman June 21, 2014
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Used to define the hot temperature outside.
Guy 1:lads its quare warm today!
Guy 2:ye lad its roast!
by FairOrgan May 29, 2011
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To get high from smoking alot of marijuhana
i was so roasted last night!
by Big Chief February 3, 2003
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Someone with a strong farming background, no regard for their appearance, basically born and raised lifting sheep and getting 'stuck in' with all elements of the farming area. Have no recognition of the proper manner which should be used in Civilized area, such as: Cities, Pubs (that are situated in the middle of nowhere), Off Licences, Nightclubs and just about anywhere you can think of that is not a Farm or a car park with loud exhausts and Subaru jackets. There dress sense generally consists of: Blue bootcut jeans, A checkered shirt, A car enthusiast jacket of some sort (occasionally can be truck or motherbike related!), A set of sandy caterpillar Dessert Boots (but in modern day they have branched into such brands as Timberland!) If for example they are not wearing a shirt you can guarantee they will have some sort of crude demeaning remark written across there t-shirt such as: 'If Found return to pub!' or 'Save water drink BEER!' these are generally purchased in the roasted clothing shop of TJS jeanscene which supplies Farm Animals all over Ireland with all there daily clothing needs! They generally accompany walking down civilized streets with screams such as 'WEH WOW WOOO' If you feel like just having a listen to some ROAST please just log into I-102-104 aka I radio!! this is when the roasts hit the airwaves!!
'Look at the filthy ROAST over there man'

'Oh my god what a farm animal and a roast!'

'What girl is seriously gonna find that ROAST attractive'

the list is endless
by Shanny-fanta October 5, 2010
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An individual who doesn't abide by the social norms of civilized society.
''Did you see those roasts in pure last night? Grinding up against anything they could find''.
by Dickbutter93 December 24, 2012
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