JJ is the quintessential basketball player of all time! I saw him at the Final Four and it was so exquisite that I had no words for it! I hope to meet him one day and hopefully he will give me a few pointers on shooting, etc. I can't wait to go to college with him, because he is an idol. JJ's future is very promising and bright. He will succeed in life not only through his basketball talent, but also through his intelligence! Undoubtedly, he is the man to be, and meet!
Jesus was a very smart and talented man! Even though JJ will never be Jesus, he has the same wholesome qualities! Look for me, Andie, to be an important part in JJ's future success and fun!(Oh, and Andie is a girl's name)
by Andie_JJ's_quintessence April 12, 2004
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JJ Redick is without a doubt...perfect...perfect...hot...and hot...I personally love JJ Redick. JJ Redick is a beautiful person. He DOES NOT...do pot...He was in the wrong place,at the wrong time. And also for all of those people who think he needs clearasil he uses clean and clear. And also JJ Redick is gorgeous

"JJ Redick will one day mary, Mary."
by Mary March 11, 2004
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OMG JJ IS like the best basketball player ever!.. hes so hot too. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE JJ REDICK..
person1: oo whats that guys name, the hot one who plays college basketball, and is really good?
person2: o u must be talking about JJ
by Erin March 28, 2005
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JJ Redick is the best basketball player ever who happens to be a great poetry writer as well. The best 3 point shooter and free throw shooter. He has broken an NCAA record for his amazing free throw shooting. And is also very good looking. Everyone is jealous of him because they want to be him.
by Michelle Sherrill March 31, 2005
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JJ Redick is an amazing player, he can drain 3's and shoot foul shots like nobody else in the ACC. He's super sexy and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And he WILL end up in the NBA.
The perfect NCAA Player soon to be a great NBA player.
by K-BoO*<3 April 4, 2004
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jizzing in a girls eye from across the rooms
I stood across the room and jj redicked right in her eye.
by jtater January 26, 2010
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jj redick is a punk dookie just like the rest of the dookies. jj posted almost all of these definitions himself in a pathetic display of self-absorbtion.
-jj will get shut down by the tar heels this year!
-the tar heels will own jj redick and the rest of the dookies this year.
by Tar Heel #1 November 9, 2004
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