Inbreeding, incest, or other means of procreation within ones own family.
Jeff from Arkansas has some serious cases of family recursion going on.

You slept with your cousin? Ew, no family recursion!
by Cranberrytuna September 30, 2007
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When someone is aware of the Dunning-Kruger Effect as a concept, and incorrectly presumes this awareness of the concept means he is not subject to it.
Flat-earther: Why are people so convinced the earth is round?
Another flat-earther: Because idiots have a tendency to think they're smarter than they are. In reality, they are sheep!

Person not divorced from empirical reality: You suffer from the Recursive Dunning-Kruger Effect.
by ovusar December 8, 2020
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The process of impregnating a girl, aborting the fetus with a coat hanger, placing the fetus in the girl's anus, having anal intercourse with the girl, impregnating the fetus, aborting the fetus' fetus with the same coat hanger, sticking that fetus in the first fetus' anus and having anal intercourse with the girl and the first fetus, impregnating the second fetus and repeating, ad infinitum
I thought that biddy went to take a shit, but she really was just passing 4 fetuses from her most recent recursive coat hanger abortion.
by A bent coat hanger July 19, 2010
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Online shopping at work. Since the shopping is being done during work hours, any items bought are to a certain degree financed through the shopping process itself. The degree of financing stands in a direct relationship to the time spent shopping.
Vinzent spent the whole afternoon at the office with nothing but online shopping. He's doing recursively funded online shopping!
by vinz666 March 2, 2012
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recursively butthurt: Someone who is butthurt about the word butthurt, creating a recursion.

It can go up another level, in which it would be the getting butthurt at the above definition, complexity increases by O(n^2)
Billy1: The word butthurt is used by people as a cop out. Saying it is a sin.
Billy2: No! You can't imply things with the definition of a word, that's too modern for me. You are copping out.

They both copped out, both being recursively butthurt.
by abstractcondolences July 19, 2022
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To insult someone again, after they didn't hear you the first time.
I cursed at him, but at that very moment he turned the blender on, so I had to recurse.
by recursor March 25, 2009
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