A very angry asian person. Often shortened to RA.
"Holy shit, Chov is such a Rabid Asian. He just threw a milk carton at me!"
by Sicle_Mince November 3, 2005
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zealot, fanatic of ANY kind!!, who tries to force upon one; the 'my way or the highway' (or death!) attitude! -foaming at the mouth with their beliefs, a 'non-subscriber's' best policy is to RUN!!

there simply is NO retaliatory argument for dealing with these types! -they can only 'glom' with their own kind, due to their insanely 'logic' resistant beliefs...
the leader of the west side baptist church is a rabid dog!!

some politicians are rabid dogs!

jim is a rabid dog christian!, don't even let him get started 'preaching'!!

a rabid dog pulled up in a mercedes, the street promptly CLEARED!!
by michael foolsley May 11, 2011
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To lose touch with reality and do something in the actual reality, not pertaining TO the reality.
Thinking of blasting aliens in English class. Picking up a book and throwing it at people.

"Whoa, I Rabid Dogged it there for a second"
by Rabid Dog December 12, 2003
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First make your girlfriend do a sexy stripper dance. Then, when you get to the peak of excitement, jump up, thump your chest, swing your arms and spit copius amounts of frothy saliva, all the while making baboon-like sounds. Then pick her up and throw her over your shoulder and carry her to your tree house.
"How did you get on with that new bird from the club??"

"It's not going to work out - she called the police after I gave her the RABID BABOON"
by Daniel B7 September 24, 2008
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The act of ejaculating into the mouth of your spouse as he/she is in the midst of a seizure forcing the sperm to foam around the mouth portraying a rabid dog.
"hey johnny me and your mom shot H in your bedroom and I gave her the good ol rabid dog while she seizured on my erect penis."
by zooootie doodie February 2, 2009
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A girl with two black eyes and cum in and around her mouth.
"Give a girl two black eyes and cum in and around her mouth. She will look like a raccoon with rabies(a.k.a. rabid raccoon)."
by Danthebossman1 August 21, 2008
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Ironically, also the content of a dream of mine as a young child.
Get that f***ing rabid squirrel away from me!!!!
by Ocin24 January 5, 2005
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