When a beat is in a constant loop.
Those bammas are in a vicious pocket.
by D-Roc March 11, 2003
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Those holes on the sides of your pants that girl in skinny jeans forgets about.
Girl: I don't know where I'm going to put these quarters! Guy: In your pockets........... Girl: What the fuck's a pocket?
by Uncle Daddy Tom July 4, 2014
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One who has a fetish for going into others pockets.
Thats my personal space you pocketeer!
by Doozer May 27, 2005
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Anal Cavity or Anal Orifice, sometimes referring to the Anal Crevice or crevicial area.
Carlee wants to put Spencer in her pocket.
by Sugges July 18, 2004
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A person that always ends up with your stuff in their pockets
Hey, wheres my lighter??? Oh, pockets must have it.
by I can't put the name i want January 14, 2008
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Literally, to be under the thumb or control of a pimp. In normal parlayance, to be on the repressed side of a controlling relationship.
Rob is so controlling with Julie that you'd think she was in pocket. He gets final say about everything she wears, buys, or does!
by 1stGen November 18, 2016
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A game played when two bros are walking side by side and their hands accidentally touch. If one of them calls "pockets" then both bros have to see who can keep their hands in their pockets the longest.
Bro 1: *hand touches bro's hand accidentally* "Pockets!"
Bro 2: "Aww come on man it was an accident"
by Cody Stidham August 29, 2010
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