Sitting on the sideline (bench) during a sporting event, but a member of the team.
by Kyle January 8, 2004
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To get banged in the ass really hard, usaully by a male. To get bent over and taken advantage of.
Did you hear about Dan getting Pined? He said he really got it hard in the ass, and coudln't walk for weeks......Poor guy!
by jranggy November 25, 2005
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vagina, slang term for, pine to be split
Mmm can you smell all the fresh pine in the air?
by the urban lumberjack February 18, 2011
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Being high as fuck. Derived from the word "pine" as in a pine tree.
Bro, I am soooo freaking pined right now, I can't talk!
by PurpleSwag July 26, 2011
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it's when u push ur dick against another person's dick and u just like ,, poke each other. that's it. that's pining.
sam: what did you and cas do last night?
dean: oh, we were pining over each other.
by squintyangelcas January 29, 2016
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I saw Matt come out of the pub and he was absolutely pined
by sprinkleofprotips April 24, 2016
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There are two definitions of pining
1. To fuck/engage is sexual intercourse
2. When two people are all over each other.
"Julia and Ryan are pining on the couch."
by JARULE September 17, 2012
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