v. (panking, panks, panked) to spread another's anal cheeks and slap the sphincter in a spanking type motion, the goal of which is to make a hollow, popping sound as in the clapping of cupped hands. Also, it is more humiliating to have the pankee spread his or her own cheeks which enables the panker to focus more attention on the panking at hand.
If you don't cool it, I'm going to give you a panking you'll never forget.

"What if I'm giving him a panking and he tries to slap a dirty Sanchez on me?"
by Charlie Cats & Duran April 7, 2009
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verb, noun, preposition, infinitive, adjective - Panke is everything you ever wished. Panke is the life force that sustains everything in the universe. I am Panke, as are you. As one's Panke reflects their footprint on the universe, "to Panke" can mean anything one's Panke desires it to be. May the Panke be with you...always.
Darrell - Did you see that panke run into those bushes.
The Pankening - The hell is a panke.

Small child - My love for panke sustains me throughout life.
Dad - *holds gun up to child's 5 heads*
by Night And Day September 8, 2014
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The act of having a wank whilst on the shitter
Person 1: "Bhuttae, stop panking!!!"
Bhuttae: "Mate im having a DANGER pank!!!
by Fatkins Diet February 16, 2010
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pank is like the word cunt but it’s not very well known so you can call people a cunt infront of them with out them knowing what it means
*john is just walking infront of emma and pony*

pony: oh emma, john is such a pank

emma:yeah he really is

*john turns around*

john: oi what the fuck does prank mean

pony: it means a cool person

john: oh ok, yeah cunt i’m a pank
by sand eating sad boy hehe October 9, 2019
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to flatten a surface or smooth out a surface; usually related to snow
I'm going to go out and pank the snow so I can make an ice rink in the backyard.
by noYoopergirl April 17, 2011
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Having a wank in a public place.
"Say Stephanie, i think i may go for a little pank in the park tonight"
"Hmmm sounds good, just make sure you don't get caught Fiona"
"No worries pal, I always burry myself in the bush when i'm panking"
by Dundonian Home Slice July 8, 2008
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