the expression of continuous dissatisfaction or annoyance about something or a situation, which leads to negativity in the air.
Moe1: "Malak ya bro?"

Moe2: "it's monday, late shift, just came all the way from agami, got a detractor, & a call avoidance HR. I don't wanna live anymore"

Moe1: "What is all of this negativity, kfaya Odining wenabi"
by TayozaFromBilling January 19, 2021
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Odin-Allain is not just a guy, he's a deity.
Some say he's the most handsome guy in the universe and he knows that.
His overwhelming pressence makes him stand out of the crowd.
His friends know to keep him close just to say "I know Odin-Allain"
Who's that? How do you not know Odin-Allain?

His pressence is overwhelming.
That's Odin-Allain.
by FrankFrankFrank69 November 23, 2021
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Another spelling of odinning.

A term used on IRC indicating that a person has posted six or more lines in succession without being interrupted, usually treated negatively. Named after ThO_Odin314, who habitually does this.
<Guy1> I ROCK
<Guy1> I have 238 MP3's
<Guy1> gg
<Guy1> !
(Link removed)
<Guy1> this plugin PWNZ
by Hareoic February 21, 2005
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When you have a girl in doggy style, she must have pig tails in her hair, you grab the pig tails like handle bars on a motorbike. As you pull the pig tails like your accelerating you thrust faster and faster, you cannot stop until you’ve fully lubricated your ride
I had a girl over last night and we had fun trying the Odin revenge, she never smiled as much
by thetruelion August 6, 2022
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Great Pubes of Odin is an exclamation of sheer excitement or surprise
Stacy: Hey Britney I got fucked by Nate's max last night.

Britney: By the Great Pubes of Odin, that's wonderful!
by Nipple Tassler September 18, 2016
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When someone walks into an orgy that has stalled itself out for political reasons, then negotiates terms and seeks consent until everyone can fuck eachother and go home happy about it. There is often a lot of cleanup involved, but not necessarily.

Made famous by the mythological figure Odin, who spends all of his time riding Slepnir around doing this for various gods and mortals.
a flock of herons were messing up my pots and pans while looking over their shoulders , so I did the Odin and went back to bed.
by genius00 September 20, 2017
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Any experience that leaves you in slack jawed amazement
you: look at that! a flying tiger pooping rainbows and diamonds!!!
Me: Odin's Balls!!!
by aint my name March 14, 2022
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