An ill-advised way to sneak tequila into a sporting event or other dry ceremony. Often accompanied by a straw.
Mike rocked out that sandwich bag o' tequila last Saturday.
by mkade June 15, 2009
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your playing soccer and you pull out a bunch of skills (tricks) to get the ball around a player, but then another player is there so you do it again, and it repeats itself
(George is entering a pack of defenders)
George: "uh oh"
Bob: "Pull out your bag o' tricks"
by Kit April 3, 2005
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A chubby, overweight, out-of-shape youth.
"Check out that bag o' snacks trying to run over there."

"Yeah, he's puffing wind after running barely 10 feet."
by fmgate June 8, 2006
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when a guy takes a garbage bag full of cum and beats the fuck out of a girl he dosent want to live anymore. Sometimes the garbage bag can be full or half full, 20 gallons of cum... savor the moment...
dude i just bag o' juiced that girl.
by funnydude114512 February 22, 2012
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A term used in Italian-American communites (particularly in the Philadelphia area and eastward) to describe a fat person. Italian-American for "fat-ass."
Hey Joey Bag o' Donuts, how 'bout you put down that cannoli and help me dump this body into the river.
by AlRamMass April 23, 2011
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something that you use to slap assholes in the face.
Someone should really slap George Bush in the face with a "warm bag 'o' dicks".
by Fuck Face of DSP June 13, 2007
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Brian's a bag o' douche juice for crapping out on us last night. The guy can't hold his own.
by lucky21 February 14, 2009
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